
At the beginning of every academic year, each class at Thomas Aquinas College takes turns hosting a welcome dance for the new freshmen. The tradition gives the newcomers an opportunity to get to know the other classes and, of course, introduces them to a beloved TAC pastime: swing dancing! On Saturday, the Senior Class was the first to offer its welcome to the Class of 2028 with a circus-themed dance.

In keeping with this theme, the seniors transformed St. Cecilia Hall for a night at the circus, decking it with balloons, streamers, and posters advertising daring acts and curiosities. In between dances, freshmen and seniors played carnival games such as cornhole and ring toss, filled out name tags with their circus stage names, and helped themselves to popcorn, ice cream, corn dogs, and lemonade. Many of the dancers gave a nod to the evening’s theme by dressing up as everything from snake charmers to clowns, or just wearing their zaniest outfits and brightest colors to the event. 

Photos: Senior Welcoming Dance
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To kick off the night with live entertainment, the seniors performed a skit in which a circus troupe’s performance went terribly awry. After a group of performers revolted against their ringmaster, the laughing audience was called upon to decide whether they should be pardoned or punished for their crime.

After the entertainment, the dancing began! Music played, and the students took to the dance floor, swinging around the room in pairs. When not dancing, seniors and freshmen got to know each other, chatting together over snacks and games. “It was a lot of fun,” said freshman Matteo Gutierrez (’28). An hour or two later, the other classes joined in the fun, and the evening continued until midnight.

“The dance was an absolute blast,” said Jackie Ogden (’25), who headed the Senior Dance Committee. “It was so fun getting to know the freshmen in such a colorful and energetic environment. They’re a wonderful class.”