
By Sophia Colarelli (CA’24) 
Lockport, Illinois


My parents and three older siblings are TAC alumni, so talk of Thomas Aquinas College was always common at my family’s dinner table. When my siblings would return home for breaks, I noticed changes in them, in how they held conversations and how well they could articulate their thoughts. Their discussions were of ideas, not just of things or people, and I wanted to be a part of those conversations. 

Sophia ColarelliI visited the College several times throughout high school and, with each visit, I fell more in love. Sitting in on my siblings’ classes was delightful, as I saw students not too much older than myself talking about profound ideas with respect and vigor. I was awed by the liberality embraced by the tutors. As someone who has always had an eagerness for learning, I saw TAC as the perfect place for me. Not only did this program have a space for wonder, it reveled in it. So, my path was laid. I would follow my parents and my siblings, and here I am. 

Over these past few years, my mind has been running free, chasing the trains of thought provoked by the Great Books. I have been inspired by the honest intellectual pursuits of my peers under the incredible witness of my tutors. 

I will never forget the first semester of freshman year, when my philosophy tutor was preparing my section for our first week of college finals. He said he wanted us to get ready by ordering a pizza and smoking a cigar! Joking aside, he was speaking to something TAC embodies that is so rare nowadays: a pursuit of knowledge for its own sake, not for the sake of a good grade, another degree, or a high-paying job. Cramming for finals is not what this school is about, and I find that absolutely beautiful. Two years into the program, I veered from the usual path by taking a gap year. After completing my sophomore year — and loving it — an opportunity to be an au pair in Italy fell into my lap. What a gift TAC was to my experience of Europe, and what a gift my experience of Europe was to my remaining two years at TAC!

“Over these past few years, my mind has been running free, chasing the trains of thought provoked by the Great Books. I have been inspired by the honest intellectual pursuits of my peers under the incredible witness of my tutors.”

Having completed freshman and sophomore years, I had read Greek texts, studied Latin, and learned the history of my faith from some of the Church’s greatest theologians, which made visiting Athens and Rome amazing. Knowing that Aristotle and Socrates had walked these same streets, being able to understand the Latin inscriptions on the buildings, and attending Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica with a deeper understanding of my Catholic faith were blessings I could have never imagined. The history of my faith came alive to me. I could see that I was part of something so much bigger than just my parish back home. 

After some time, though, I became disheartened by the lack of faith in the culture around me, especially among young people. I was reminded that I was not blessed with my TAC education simply for my own sake, but for the sake of reviving the faith in the culture of my generation — not just here in the U.S., but everywhere. When I returned to campus, I was remotivated to give my all to the program. I was here not just to follow in the footsteps of my family members, but to learn as much as I could for the sake of others. 

Upon graduation, I am hoping to share the gift of my TAC education as an international teacher. Some of the options I am pursuing include a classical K-12 school near Buenos Aires, Argentina, as well as one in Cork, Ireland. I am already in the process of obtaining my Irish citizenship through my maternal grandfather. 

No matter the country or the continent, though, I feel called to be a teacher, and I have complete confidence that my time here is preparing me well. Each class is a lesson in listening, and every discussion encourages me to evaluate, articulate, and wonder about the truth in a community of individuals united in the same goal.