New England
Section Dinner

A few times each semester, students at Thomas Aquinas College gather at the home of one of their tutors to enjoy an evening meal and each other’s company. Last weekend, Dr. John McCarthy and his family opened their house to one of his Junior Natural Science sections for dinner and games. (Each “section” at the College consists of about 18 students who take all their classes together for an entire academic year.)

Students arrived at the McCarthys’ home to find an old-fashioned apple cider press sitting in the driveway. They took turns cleaning apples, grinding them into the barrel of the press, and collecting the homemade cider in pans and bottles. Groups gathered on the porch and front lawn as Dr. McCarthy grilled the highlight of the dinner: tender New York-style strip steak. After saying grace, all grabbed plates and eagerly dug in — and conversations soon developed. Dessert was a big hit, as well, featuring Mrs. McCarthy’s pumpkin pie and a flourless chocolate cake.

When everyone had eaten, Dr. McCarthy led a game of “Salad Bowl.” Two teams formed, and members of each came forward to help their teammates guess which name they had pulled out of the salad bowl. In the first round, players could hint to their teammates with as many words as they wanted; the second, with only one word; and the last, with only charades. Characters included Alexander the Great, Galileo, Machiavelli — and even Dr. McCarthy himself!

The delightful antics topped off a wonderful evening, bringing the section closer than ever before. “It was nice to relax,” reflected Chris McCann (’24), “and have dinner in a real home.”