Classical pianist Ilya Yakushev teaches a master class Justas Macknickas (’24).
Classical pianist Ilya Yakushev teaches a master class to Justas Macknickas (’24).


Ilya Yakushev not only wowed the students and faculty of Thomas Aquinas College, California, with his performance on September 22, he also shared his other passion: teaching. The acclaimed pianist spent several hours before his own concert offering master classes for two student pianists, Susana Sedler (’24) and Justas Macknickas (’24).

In a master class, a musical expert listens to and watches aspiring musicians play selections from their repertoire, advising them on technique and interpretation. The master and the student will often work through a piece section by section, each taking turns at the instrument in a kind of musical variation of the College’s Discussion Method. Many master classes are also public, extending the fruits of the musical dialogue to a friendly audience.

The audience at the September 22 master classes was certainly friendly. Susana and Justas’ classmates dropped by St. Cecilia Hall’s Fritz B. Burns Auditorium throughout the afternoon to listen to their friends improve under Mr. Yakushev’s direction. “I do think that it is helpful to get a second opinion from someone other than your teacher,” reflects the pianist. “It is very helpful for the students who participate in the master class, or for those who come to listen, to hear an opinion of an artist who is actively performing on stage.”

For his part, Justas found his time with Mr. Yakushev both immensely helpful and immensely enjoyable. “He was really relaxed and easy to talk to,” says Justas. “I hope we have more master classes, because there’s a lot of talent on campus, and it opens this sort of music to more people. I’m very thankful — it was a great opportunity!”


Ilya Yakushev teaches Susana Sedler ('24)
Mr. Yakushev teaches Susana Sedler ('24)