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Pope Benedict XVI blesses the cornerstone of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel
Pope Benedict XVI blesses the cornerstone of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel in 2008


His Holiness Pope Francis has asked for prayers for his predecessor, Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, “who in silence is supporting the Church … [and] is very ill.” The College joins the Holy Father in offering these prayers and asks its friends to do the same.

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI holds a special place in the history of Thomas Aquinas College. In 2008 he blessed the cornerstone of Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel at a Wednesday morning audience in Vatican City. As a token of gratitude, his coat of arms is inlaid in the California chapel’s marble floor, just outside the sanctuary.

“Remember him,” asks Pope Francis, “asking the Lord to console him, and sustain him in this witness of love for the Church, until the end.”


The coat of arms of Pope Benedict XVI from Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel
The coat of arms of Pope Benedict XVI from Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel