New England

“We’ll roll the old chariot along and we’ll all hang on behind,” chanted the men of Wilson residence hall last Wednesday evening on the New England campus as they marched to court the women of Gould Hall. 

The “dorm wooing,” as coined by senior Joseph Caldwell and junior Ben Domnarski, expresses the men’s appreciation for the women on the campus. “By serenading the women and giving them gifts, we wanted to thank them for being here with us,” said Ben Domnarski.

The “Wilsonites” began by singing “Oh Susannah!” and then “Leave Her Johnny, Leave Her” as the women cheered in delight. After the romantic carol, the women shared baked goods they had prepared earlier in the day. “We really enjoyed their singing and could tell they worked really hard,” said freshman Mary-Therese Baker. “I overheard them saying they have been practicing for a few weeks.”