New England

Each fall the returning students at Thomas Aquinas College take turns hosting welcome dances for members of the Freshman Class. This past Saturday on the New England campus, the Seniors hosted the first dance of the semester, welcoming the Class of 2025 at the Tracy Student Center. “The Senior Class was so excited to host a dance, especially for the Freshmen Class and for the entire student body,” said Simone Kelly (’21), who helped with decorations.

Students traveled from coast to coast as the seniors chose “California” as the theme for the event. “The Senior Class is originally from the California campus, so the theme was very fitting,” shared Mary O’Reilly (’21). Seniors provided entertainment before the dance in a skit that told the history of Thomas Aquinas College, California. “It was a pretty humorous and ironic pairing of the Beatles and the Beach Boys with TAC,” recounted freshman Martin O’Heir.

As students laughed and danced through the night, senior Jean Guerreiro expressed his excitement upon catching up with his classmates. “I haven’t seen my friends for almost four months,” he said. “So this is a great way to spend quality time with them.”

Senior-Freshman Welcoming Dance
  • Two students smile at the camera near the mailboxes
  • Two freshman learn to dance
  • Another pair of freshman learns to dance
  • Three freshman sip California lemonade and chat
  • Three chat afront the mailboxes
  • A student poses in a "See yourself as a Californian" display, while another poses alongside
  • Students dance all around the floor
  • Another freshman couple dances
  • Two students pose for the camera
  • Three students pose with extravagant costume glasses
  • Eight students pose together, some with the enormous glasses
  • Students dancing on the floor
  • Another view of students dancing
  • Another view of students dancing
  • A pair of freshmen dancing
  • A student turns to the camera, lemonade in hand, with the dancefloor in view behind