New England
Fr. Federico Highton


Argentinian missionary priest Rev. Federico Highton visited Thomas Aquinas College, New England, last week to speak with students about the importance of spreading the Gospel throughout the world, in keeping with Jesus’s teaching to “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19).

Founder of the Order of St. Elijah, Fr. Highton works with the Omnes Gentes Project, a Catholic missionary group which shares the Faith with people in the remotest areas of the globe. “Over 70 percent of the world is not Christian,” Fr. Highton observed. “There are so many souls in the world thirsting for the true God.”

Students listened intently to the priest’s tales of ministering to peoples in the Amazonian rainforest, Tibetan mountains, Malawi deserts, and Pakistani plains. “The missionary life is the greatest imitation of the lives of the Apostles,” he said.

At a later talk in St. Augustine Hall, Fr. Highton challenged the men of the College to enflame their hearts in faith so that they can spread the Good News. “Father really inspired us during the short time that he was on campus,” said Andrew Le (’25), “reminding us of the wonderful gifts of the Faith that we have here and our duty to share them with the world.”