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Members of the Thomas Aquinas College community on both coasts will pray the Holy Rosary for the sanctification of priests on Friday, June 11, the Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

The gathering will mark the conclusion of WorldPriest’s twelfth annual Global Rosary Relay, an international prayer chain in which members of the faithful across the world take turns praying a designated set of mysteries, thereby encircling the planet in prayer for 24 hours. Thomas Aquinas College is blessed this year to serve once more as the last leg of the relay, spiritually delivering the world’s prayers to the Blessed Mother from its campuses in California and New England.

In California, chaplain Rev. Cornelius M. Buckley, S.J., will lead the prayers in Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel. At the same time, some 3,000 miles to the East, Rev. Ryan Rooney — a priest of the Diocese of Springfield and an alumnus of the Northfield Mount Hermon School, original owner of the College’s New England campus — will lead the faithful in Our Mother of Perpetual Help Chapel.

The event will begin at 6:45 p.m. PDT / 9:45 p.m. EDT, as Fr. Buckley and Fr. Rooney accept the spiritual baton from Cathedral Parish in Fargo, North Dakota, and lead the recitation of the Joyful Mysteries on their respective coasts.

In total, more than 300 congregations in more than 85 countries will participate in the relay, continuously praying the mysteries of the Rosary over the course of 24 hours. The prayers will be offered to God in thanksgiving for all priests, as well as to seek the loving care of Our Lady for her priestly sons. The Relay has the support of prelates world over, including the Holy Father, who last year offered his apostolic blessing to all involved.

For those friends who cannot make it either campus, the College invites you to participate from wherever you may be. The Rosary will be livestreamed from California via player below and the College’s YouTube channel.