
Some 40 members of the Thomas Aquinas College President’s Council and other friends  got a taste of life at the college they so generously support at July’s Summer Great Books Seminar on the California campus. These benefactors lived in the residence halls, participated in the classroom discussions, and enjoyed the same warm collegial atmosphere that shapes the life of the College’s students.

“We were delighted to welcome so many friends once more to the Summer Seminar, where they could get a firsthand experience of Thomas Aquinas College, especially our program of Catholic liberal education,” explains Dr. John Goyette, vice president for advancement. “Just like our students, they attended seminars led by members of our teaching faculty, where they read the kinds of texts we study and participated in our classroom discussions.”

Photos: Summer Seminar
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This year’s seminar had the theme of “Grace, Justification, and Merit,” for which attendees read and discussed St. Paul’s Epistle to the Galatians, selections from Martin Luther’s Commentary on Galatians, and St. Thomas Aquinas’s writings on free will and merit. “Our guests found that their understanding and appreciation of these texts increased dramatically when they were able to discuss and analyze them together,” says Dr. Goyette. “They gained a whole new appreciation of how this academic program teaches the skills of critical analysis and intelligent conversation — all in the pursuit of truth.”

On Saturday evening, the visitors enjoyed fellowship, fine meals, and a panel discussion featuring current students — in short, a brief immersion in the pursuit of goodness, truth, and beauty that characterizes Thomas Aquinas College. “As powerful as their classroom experience was, I think hearing from our students directly was an even more vivid illustration of the good that this academic program can work in the human mind and soul,” says Dr. Goyette.

Friends will have another opportunity to experience the life of the College again in September at the Fall Great Books Seminar on the New England campus.