Ventura County Supervisor Matt LaVere and College officials
Ventura County Supervisor Matt LaVere (center) with College officials


Ventura County Supervisor Matt LaVere and his chief of staff, Maruja Clensay, paid a visit to Thomas Aquinas College, California, today, touring the campus and meeting with College officials.

“It was an honor to have Matt and Maruja spend the morning with us,” said Vice President for Operations Mark Kretschmer. “The College has long had a strong relationship with the County, and we hope to continue building on that relationship in the years to come.”

While visiting, Supervisor LaVere and Ms. Maruja visited several campus buildings, including Our Lady of the Holy Trinity Chapel, which recently sustained earthquake damage, and saw the helispot that the College installed two years ago to aid the County in its firefighting efforts. They also inspected ongoing work on the College’s green microgrid energy project, which includes a Tesla Megapack battery and Capstone micro-turbines. By converting natural gas, provided free of charge from Carbon California’s nearby oil fields, this project promises to make the campus energy independent within the next few months, while reducing flaring of oil-field gas.

“The County has been very helpful with getting our energy-independence project online,” said Mr. Kretschmer. “We are grateful for the Supervisor’s support, and we look forward to welcoming him back to campus again soon.”