
Every class of students at Thomas Aquinas College is divided into “sections,” groups of 17 to 18 students who take their weekday classes together. Actively working their way through the Great Books by way of the Discussion Method, section mates grow in together in wisdom and friendship. This past weekend, however, the five sections of California’s Junior Class met to grow in friendship in more rambunctious fashion: the “Section Games.”

Sunday afternoon the juniors gathered in their sections outside the Pope St. John Paul II Athletic Center. In the spring splendor, they competed in games of basketball, dodgeball, volleyball, soccer, and ultimate frisbee, with the results of each game contributing to an overall score to determine which section would emerge victorious.

“I wanted everyone to have fun and get out there!” said James Blewett (’24), the mastermind behind the games. But having fun does not preclude a bit of healthy competition — and both were on full display at Sunday’s festivities. “My favorite part was winning,” joked Greg Baer (’24) of the ultimately victorious Section Three. “It’s a really distinctive event for our class. I’m really happy most people were there.”