Matt Fradd


While passing through Southern California, Matt Fradd — Catholic author and host of the Pints with Aquinas podcast — seized the opportunity to visit Thomas Aquinas College. “When I came on campus,” he joked, “I was hit with an overwhelming temptation to abandon my wife and children and register as a student here!”  

In addition to touring campus and lingering in Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel, Mr. Fradd generously took time to address students in St. Cecilia Hall’s Fritz B. Burns Auditorium about the Christian duty to reject worldliness. “We should recover leisure time from the totalitarian ‘work’ state of mind,” he said. “Leisure leads to wonder, and wonder to the recovery of innocence, which is that childlikeness without which no man will enter heaven.”

Although he dwelt at length on the world’s corrosive influences, Mr. Fradd ultimately exhorted students to “remember the great merciful love of God,” adding, “We have a God Who would rather die than risk spending eternity without you.” In all, he spoke and answered questions for over an hour, much to the delight of his audience.

“It’s absolutely glorious here,” Mr. Fradd said afterward while mingling with students. “I wish I had had this sort of education myself. When you create a beautiful environment, we’re more likely to act like humans at our best — and not like rats in a cage!”