
Some 300 old friends and classmates reunited in California last month for Thomas Aquinas College’s annual Alumni Weekend festivities, with some guests trekking from as far as Austria to take part.

As twilight fell on Saturday, June 25, alumnus priest Pater Edmund Waldstein, O. Cist. (’02), offered a Vigil Mass in Our Lady of the Most Holy Trinity Chapel, after which alumni gathered on the academic quadrangle for dinner and a reception. With Jonathan Monnereau (’05) as emcee, the evening’s program unfolded. Dean John Goyette offered a heartfelt valediction for outgoing California Head Chaplain Rev. Paul Raftery, to which the alumni responded with a standing ovation. Newly inaugurated President Paul J. O’Reilly (’84) — the College’s first alumnus president — then delivered remarks on the state of the College, commemorating the milestone classes with some playful jabs and recollections.

After presentations by members of the Alumni Association, there was, of course, the annual raffle. This year’s prizes included a signed copy of Angela (Andersen ’87) Connelly’s new book, The Crowded Table; wine from Distaff Wine Co.; a basket of assorted Verso L’Alto coffees; handmade embroidery from alumnae Jessica (Kelsey ’99) Haggard and Mikaela (Heal ’21) Raum; an original oil painting by Anthony Grumbine (’00), and — as the grand prize — a complete hardbound set of St. Thomas’ Summa Theologiae.

Rev. Maximilian Okapal, O. Praem. (’02), offered a final benediction to conclude the reception, but alumni lingered deep into the night, making the most of each other’s company. “Once again, this year's alumni dinner was a delightful evening,” said Mr. Monnereau. “It was a joy to hear Dr. O'Reilly's first public address to the alumni as president, as well as to catch up with so many friends that I had not seen in years. In true TAC fashion, the night was filled with conviviality — consisting of good food, good drink, and great conversation. I am grateful to our hosts who put on such a wonderful event.” 

Added Justin Alvarez (’97), “Some called it magical, profound and deeply meaningful. I couldn’t do justice to what so many of our classmates felt by being together again and sharing all that is life, much of which roots back to our time at the College.”

To conclude the weekend, Rev. Nicholas Blaha (’02) offered Mass on Sunday for all those still on-campus, in thanksgiving for a beautiful weekend of fellowship.