New England
Fr. Markey reads a lesson at the Advent Lessons and Carols

Dear friend,

At Thomas Aquinas College, New England, the bright, colorful days of autumn have given way to the cold, short days of winter. These cues serve as a natural reminder that Advent has also come again, with its violet vestments and hymns of anticipation.

One Advent tradition dear to the College’s students is Lessons and Carols, a yearly twilit gathering in Our Mother of Perpetual Chapel. Between traditional hymns, we meditate on readings from Sacred Scripture describing God’s promise, when mankind had fallen from grace, to send a Redeemer — and how He fulfilled that promise in a remarkable way.

To aid you in your final Advent preparations, we have posted the full audio of this year’s Advent Lessons and Carols concert on the College’s website. I hope you enjoy praying with our students and ask that you keep them in your prayers — especially as they make their way home after first-semester finals!

“To us a child is born, to us a son is given,” says the Prophet Isaiah, “and his name will be called ‘Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace’” (Isaiah 9:6). Jesus Christ was and is that child, Who brought that peace “through the blood of His cross” (Colossians 1:20). His final triumph was and is the Advent hope of Christians everywhere.

Our students nourish this hope through devotions such as Lessons and Carols, while in their classes they learn that this hope, though supernatural, is entirely reasonable. Many people today oppose Christianity in the name of science, but our students acquire the conviction that faith and reason are distinct yet harmonious paths to Truth Himself.

As Christmas draws near, would you consider helping our students to nourish this hope and deepen this conviction by making an end-of-year gift? The generosity of friends such as yourself sustains student financial aid, ensuring that the Church will never be without a hopeful remnant “looking for the consolation of Israel” (Luke 2:25).

Make a Gift Now!

In Christ,

Fr. Greg Markey (signature)

Rev. Greg Markey
Head Chaplain
Thomas Aquinas College, New England

Student speaker at Advent Lessons & Carols