Thomas Aquinas College considers reasonably sized student loans as resources available to you. The Financial Aid Office, therefore, assumes you will obtain a student loan before seeking other financial aid from Thomas Aquinas College. You may decline to borrow a student loan that is included in your financial aid package, but in that case the amount that would have come from the student loan will be added to your expected cash payment due for the school year.
You may borrow a student loan from any source. Most students prefer to take advantage of government-sponsored student loan programs that offer beneficial terms, such as Federal Direct Student Loans or Canada Student Loans. If a student is not eligible for such a loan, other loan resources may include one of the many banks offering private student loans.
Students at Thomas Aquinas College, on average, borrow less than students attending other private, nonprofit colleges. Our students borrow, on average, 60% of the amount students borrow nationwide at other private, nonprofit colleges. We think this is a testament to the helpfulness of our financial aid program.
Student loans must be repaid.
The parents of a dependent student may borrow funds from the Federal Direct PLUS Loan Program.
There are also many alternative loan programs available to students and parents that offer low-cost, flexible ways to meet educational costs.
Thomas Aquinas College neither solicits nor receives any benefit from any lender, guarantor, or servicer of education loans. The College seeks to ensure transparency in the administration of its student financial aid program and to always work in the student’s and the family’s best interest. To avoid any harm that may arise from actual, potential, or perceived conflicts of interest, Thomas Aquinas College has adopted a Loan Program Code of Conduct (PDF).