Tutor Dr. John Finley (’99) Discusses Sexual Identity on EWTN & Podcast
Discussing the fundamental difference between man and woman — and the corrosive effect of gender ideology on global culture — TAC alumnus and tutor Dr. John Finley (’99) recently appeared on “EWTN Live” as well as the “Power and Witness” podcast.
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Alumnus Brings Teaching, Business Skills to Catholic School
Joseph Cunningham (’07) is the newly appointed academy director for Joseph of Cupertino Classical Academy (JCCA), a hybrid Catholic school in Orange County, California.
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Dr. Arthur Hippler (’89): On Church Teaching & Classical Education
Writing at The Imaginative Conservative, Dr. Arthur Hippler (’89) asks a question both timely and timeless, namely: Does the Church Have a Teaching on “Classical Education”?
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Meet the Tutors: Meghan Duke (’08)
When she graduated from Thomas Aquinas College, California, in 2008, Meghan Duke never imagined that she would one day join its teaching faculty, let alone at a new campus in New England. She never even expected to attend graduate school.
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Meet the New Tutors: John Finley (’99)
Returning to teach at Thomas Aquinas College, California, is a homecoming of sorts for Dr. John Finley (’99) — in more ways than one. Not only is he an alumnus of the College, he is also an alumnus of the faculty.
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Meet the New Tutors: Joshua Lo (’12)
Growing up in Dallas and Houston, Texas, Joshua Lo (’12) nurtured dreams of becoming a concert cellist. Yet he reconsidered those dreams when he enrolled at Thomas Aquinas College in 2008.
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Dr. Jean Rioux (’82) Pens Thomistic Assessment of Mathematics
Students at Thomas Aquinas College study the basics of metaphysics and a great deal of mathematics — and some continue pondering both long after they graduate.
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