Alumna Lends Her Voice to Rosary for Holy Father 
On March 19, alumna Josefina Altamiranda (’18) provided the English translation for a Rosary for Pope Francis’s health, which was broadcast on EWTN.
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Sean Fitzpatrick (’02) Shares Four Principles of Catholic Education
In a recent article for the National Catholic Register, Sean Fitzpatrick (’ 02), assistant headmaster and co-founder of Gregory the Great Academy in Elmhurst Township, Pennsylvania, lays out four principles of classical Catholic education that have helped the school succeed for over 10 years.
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Dr. Christopher Decaen (’93) Teaches Every Class in College’s Curriculum
Dr. Christopher Decaen (’93), a tutor on the California campus, has joined a select group of Thomas Aquinas College faculty: those who have taught all 23 courses in the College’s classical curriculum.
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Dr. John Finley (’99) Discusses the Nature of Man & Woman at Fall Conferences
Thomas Aquinas College alumnus and tutor Dr. John Finley (’99) spoke on the timely and contentious topic of the nature of man and woman at two conferences last fall.
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Alumna Proclaims Word of God at Vatican’s Jubilee Mass
Caroline Guinee (’20) had the honor of reading one of the preparatory prayers for the Jubilee as well as proclaiming the second reading during the Christmas Eve Mass.
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Alumni Ink: Dr. Adam Seagrave (’05) on the U.S. Constitution
In the wake of a historic presidential election rife with questions about constitutionalism, alumnus scholar Dr. S. Adam Seagrave (’05) has published a timely essay considering the role of the U.S. Constitution in contemporary American political life.
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Alumni Ink: Ken Colombini (’85) Defends G. K. Chesterton
“While the world rejects the idea there is a ‘whole truth of things’ … Chesterton saw that this must be the case — and he grasped that truth far better than most self-proclaimed ‘thinkers’ today,” says alumnus author Ken Colombini (’85) in his latest article in Crisis magazine.
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