Video: Michael Van Hecke (’86) at the World Congress on Catholic Education

Following his series of dispatches from Rome, Michael Van Hecke (’86) recently sat down for a video interview with the Cardinal Newman Society.

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Dispatches from Rome, Part III

The third in a series of reflections by Michael Van Hecke (’86), an American delegate to the World Congress on Catholic Education in Vatican City

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Dispatches from Rome, Part II

Part two in a series of reflections by Michael Van Hecke (’86), an American delegate to the World Congress on Catholic Education in Vatican City.

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Alumnus Sends Dispatches from Education Congress in Rome

Michael Van Hecke (’86), an American delegate to the World Congress on Catholic Education in Vatican City, has published the first in a planned series of dispatches about the international gathering of Catholic educators.

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Alumni Photos and Reports from Papal Visit

The College has received reports — and photos — from a number of alumni who were present for parts of His Holiness Pope Francis’s visit to the United States.

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Recent Graduate Named K-8 School Principal

Just three years after her graduation, Grace Kelly (’12) has been named a parochial-school principal in the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

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Tutor’s New Book Profiled in “The Tidings”

Who Designed the Designer? — the new book by tutor and alumnus Dr. Michael A. Augros (’92) — is the subject of a lengthy article in The Tidings.

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