Alumna Lends Her Voice to Rosary for Holy Father 
On March 19, alumna Josefina Altamiranda (’18) provided the English translation for a Rosary for Pope Francis’s health, which was broadcast on EWTN.
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Uniting Catholics in Business: Karen Walker (’76)
"I would say I am more of an entrepreneur than anything else,” says Karen Walker (’76), seasoned journalist, PR professional, and founder of the Catholic Business Journal and “The Mentors Radio” show.
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Sean Fitzpatrick (’02) Shares Four Principles of Catholic Education
In a recent article for the National Catholic Register, Sean Fitzpatrick (’ 02), assistant headmaster and co-founder of Gregory the Great Academy in Elmhurst Township, Pennsylvania, lays out four principles of classical Catholic education that have helped the school succeed for over 10 years.
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Rev. Augustine Hilander, O.P. (’99) Releases New Holy Name Devotional
Twenty-five years after his graduation from Thomas Aquinas College, alumnus priest Rev. Augustine Hilander, O.P. (’99) has published his first book: a daily devotional to the Holy Names of Jesus and Mary.
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Priest, Prophet & Martyr: Fr. Sebastian’s New Book on St. John the Baptist
Continuing his ever-growing bibliography of theological works, alumnus priest Rev. Sebastian Walshe, O.Praem. (’94), has authored a new, forthcoming book: St. John the Baptist: Priest, Prophet, and Martyr.
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Alumni Ink: Dr. Adam Seagrave (’05) on the U.S. Constitution
In the wake of a historic presidential election rife with questions about constitutionalism, alumnus scholar Dr. S. Adam Seagrave (’05) has published a timely essay considering the role of the U.S. Constitution in contemporary American political life.
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Dominic Andres (’24) on Imitation in the Moral Life
A member of Thomas Aquinas College’s newest graduating class, Dominic Andres (CA’24) appeared on Annunciation Press’s radio show “The Virtuous Life” last week to speak on his first published work, a philosophical essay on choosing virtuous role models.
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