Angela (Andersen ’87) Connelly: Finding the Peace in Christmas
“Who says Christmastime has to be perfect?” asks Angela (Andersen ’87) Connelly, in a new column for the News Tribune of Tacoma, Washington.
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Alumna Entrepreneur Offers Students Advice on Starting a Small Business
Alumna entrepreneur Sarah (De Laveaga ’14) Ellefson returned to campus in the waning days of the fall semester to delivera career talk.
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Alumna Update: Dr. Caroline Johnson (’97)
Five years ago, the College profiled alumna Dr. Caroline Johnson (’97), who, as a traveling internist, was the portrait of versatility.
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Alumnus Priest: What is the Mass?
One of the College’s newest alumni priests, Rev. Miguel Batres, O.Praem. (’08), appears in a new video where he answers the question, What is the Mass?
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Recent Reads by Alumni Authors
Be sure not to miss these recent articles by alumni writers …
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Fr. Sebastian Discusses Thomas Aquinas College, New England, on Catholic Answers Live
“You’ve been in Massachusetts because you’re a graduate of Thomas Aquinas College,” began host Cy Kellett on a recent episode of Catholic Answers Live.
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Alumna Author Sees Scandal as Call to Greater Holiness
Alumna writer Sophia (Mason ’09) Feingold observes that the latest news of scandal in the Church has revived old arguments against priestly celibacy.
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