Alumni Professionals Advise Students at Career Discernment Workshop
On Sunday Mark Kretschmer (’99) and Nathan Haggard (’99) spoke an on-campus Career Discernment Workshop.
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Photos from the Ordination of Rev. Reginald (Ryan ’97) Wolford, O.P.
Photos from the ordination and Thanksgiving Mass of Rev. Reginald (Ryan ’97) Wolford, O.P.
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Prayers for the Petersons
Please say a pray for the family of Mary (Gisla) and Matthew Peterson (both ’01), whose five-week-old baby, Joseph, died suddenly last Friday, September 30.
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Bishop Vann Names Dr. Pia de Solenni (’93) as Theological Consultant
The Most Rev. Kevin Vann, Bishop of Orange, California, has named Dr. Pia de Solenni (’93) his Theological Consultant.
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Arizona Republic Lauds Alumnus Football Coach
The Arizona Republic profiles Joshua Brittain (’15), Head Coach of the Tempe Preparatory Academy varsity football team, who suffers from cerebral palsy. 
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Br. Reginald (Ryan ’97) Wolford, O.P., to Become College’s 65th Alumnus Priest
Please pray for Br. Reginald (Ryan ’97) Wolford, O.P., who, by God’s grace, will be ordained to the priesthood this weekend.
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Alumni Dominican Novices!
It has been a big week for alumni Dominicans in the Order’s Western Province.
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