Fox Profiles Alumna Journalist “Fighting to Redefine Female Empowerment”
Fox News has published a story about “pro-life women [who] are fighting to redefine female ‘empowerment,’” including Lauretta Brown (’13). 
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Alumnus Invites March for Life Attendees to Free Choir Concert
When the March is over, friends are welcome to enjoy a free concert by the St. Paul’s Choir, courtesy of an invitation from alumnus Eric Maurer (’98).
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Philosopher and Pilot: Alex Potts (’14)
Having recently completed his flight training for the Apache helicopter, U.S. Army Warrant Officer Alex Potts (’14) is now stationed in Katterbach, Germany.
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Alumna Sister Helps Complete New Translations of Hymnal for Liturgy of the Hours
Sr. Maria Kiely, OSB (’77) serves on the editorial committee for the International Commission on English in the Liturgy.
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Alumnus Moves up Pentagon Ladder
Thomas A. Alexander (’99) has been named the Acting Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict.
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Alumna Author Publishes Novel about St. Thomas Aquinas
In Humble Servant of Truth, Mrs. O’Reilly tells the story of the Angelic Docto. 
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Alumna Author: What is the Perfect Christmas Gift?
A regular writer on Catholic Exchange, alumna author Suzie Andres (’87) opens her latest column with a timely question: What is the Perfect Christmas Gift?
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