Arlington Catholic Herald Profiles Alumnae Nurses
A new article in the Arlington Catholic Herald features two alumnae nurses, Katie Ellefson, RN, BSN (’16), and Annamaria Masteller, RN, BSN (’16).
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Photos from the Ordination of Deacon Ryan Truss (’16)
The Cathedral Basilica of St. Louis was largely empty of worshipers on Saturday, May 2 — but it was overflowing with grace.
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Archdiocese of Boston Honors Alumnus for “Excellence in Education”
The Archdiocese of Boston has named 10 teachers from its Catholic school system as recipients of its 2020 Excellence in Education Awards, including Eric Maurer (’98).
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COVID-19 Won’t Derail Alum’s Ordination to Transitional Diaconate
The Most Rev. Robert J. Carlson, Archbishop of St. Louis, will ordain Ryan Truss (’16) to the transitional diaconate — in that city’s all but empty Cathedral Basilica.
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Alumnus Author Remembers Tomie dePaola
Alumnus author Sean Fitzpatrick (’02) has penned an Easter tribute to beloved children's author Tomie dePaola.
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Alumna Principal Guides Catholic School to Online Learning
“Good teachers prove daily that they would give their lives for their students,” observes Grace Kelly (’12). “This time of pandemic has made this principle that much clearer.”
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Three Alumnae Begin Nursing Careers by Battling COVID-19
The three recent nursing-school graduates, accepted positions at the same hospital only weeks before the outbreak of the novel coronavirus upended American medicine. Now it consumes their days.
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