More Prayers for Norcia!
The Benedictine community at Monastero San Benedetto — of which three Thomas Aquinas College alumni are members — have experienced yet more disaster.
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Alumnae Friendship Spans Five Decades
The Surrey Now newspaper has published a charming story about two alumnae: Bernadette (Yaretz ’84) Sorley and Donna (Watt ’84) Pickering.
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The College’s 66th Alumnus Priest: Rev. Deneys Williamson (’10)
The College is pleased to announce the ordination of its 66th alumnus priest, Rev. Deneys Williamson (’10), in Johannesburg, South Africa.
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Video: Katie Short (’80) Argues before the U.S. Ninth Circuit
Katie Short (’80) defends  David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress before the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit.
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“Leading Others to Ministry”: Rev. Gary B Selin, STD (’89)
Our Sunday Visitor has published a thoughtful profile of Rev. Gary B Selin, STD (’89), an assistant professor and formation director at St. John Vianney Theological Seminary. 
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Alumni Help Lead Shift to Classical Learning
A feature article in Catholic World Report tells the heartening story of a once-failing parochial school that is now thriving thanks, in part, to the help of some alumni.
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A Class of 2016 Alumnae Pilgrimage
Four members of the College’s most recent graduating class have recently returned from a pilgrimage along Spain’s Camino de Santiago de Compostela.
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