Please Pray for Another Alumnus Ordination!
By God’s grace, Frater Moses (Luke ’14) Blain, O. Praem., will be ordained to the Sacred Priesthood of Jesus Christ at the hands of the Most Rev. Bishop Kevin Vann, Bishop of Orange, California. ​
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Rev. Nathaniel Roberts (’13) Ordained to the Sacred Priesthood!
“I was drawn to the priesthood somewhat in my early years thanks to the witness (of) some of the priests I knew growing up,” Rev. Nathaniel Roberts (’13) — Thomas Aquinas College’s newest alumnus priest — tells his archdiocesan newspaper, The Catholic Standard. “Later in college the beauty of the ministry that they provided to us on the campus made me consider priesthood seriously for the first time.”
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Pray for TAC’s Next Alumnus Priest!
Please pray for Rev. Mr. Nathaniel Roberts (’13), who, by God’s grace, will become the College’s newest alumnus priest on Saturday! 
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Alumna Entrepreneur Creates Grill Tools Worthy of St. Lawrence
The Hulls’ business makes heirloom-quality grilling tools, inspired by originals inherited from Mr. Hull’s grandfather and designed to last for decades.
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Alumnus Brings Teaching, Business Skills to Catholic School
Joseph Cunningham (’07) is the newly appointed academy director for Joseph of Cupertino Classical Academy (JCCA), a hybrid Catholic school in Orange County, California.
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Alumnus Marine Takes Command of Corps’ “Problem-Solvers”
At a change of command ceremony in Queens, New York, last November, Col. Brooks Braden (’97) officially assumed command of the U.S. Marine Corps’ Innovation Unit (MIU).
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The Life of a New Priest: Rev. Patrick Rooney, O.P. (’15)
Less than one year after his ordination, Rev. Patrick Rooney, O.P. (’15) now serves as the parochial vicar of St. Dominic’s Catholic Church in San Francisco — and enjoys his priesthood immensely.
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