All College

The Haggards

Although Thomas Aquinas College escaped the Thomas Fire largely unscathed, the same cannot be said for the broader College community. Among the many victims are Jessica (Kelsey) and Nathan Haggard (both ’99), who, along with their eight children, lost their home in the Ventura hillsides. Yet the family, now staying in the home of Mr. Haggard’s mother and planning to rebuild, remains beautifully faithful and hopeful, as evidenced by a profile (scroll to the bottom of the page) in today’s Wall Street Journal.

“A devout Roman Catholic family, the Haggard children say prayers every night,” writes reporter Nour Malas. “They have made it a point to carry over lessons of kindness and giving into their daily prayers. ‘When we do our family rosary at night, we have been making sure expressly that we do prayers of thanksgiving for everyone that has helped us, everyone that we know and don’t know, and the generosity of others,’ Mrs. Haggard said.

“‘The Lord giveth and the Lord taketh away,’” her husband added, quoting from a version of the Bible, ‘has new meaning for us.’”

Please continue to pray for the Haggards and all those affected by the fire!