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Sr. Mary Josefa
Sr. Mary Josefa of the Eucharist (left) and her fellow Benedictine, Sr. Judith Marie of Jesus, upon making their solemn vows

The College has just received the joyful news that on April 9, Sr. Mary Josefa of the Eucharist, OSB (Kathleen Holcomb ’07), made her Solemn Profession of Vows as a member of the Benedictines of Mary, Queen of the Apostles. The vows took place during the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at St. James Catholic Church in St. Joseph, Missouri, with  the Bishop of Kansas City-St. Joseph, the Most Rev. James Vann Johnston, Jr., presiding.

There are now 41 professed religious among the College’s alumni, and 65 ordained priests.

Deo gratias!