Sr. Mary Catherine Eddyblouin
Sr. Mary Catherine Eddyblouin ('19)

The first of last year’s graduates to answer God’s call to the priesthood or religious life is Sr. Mary Catherine Eddyblouin (’19), who entered the Dominican Sisters of Mary, Mother of the Eucharist, on August 22, the Feast of the Queenship of Mary.

“I went to Thomas Aquinas College to study theology and philosophy, and it was there that the idea of a religious life began to come back into my heart,” says Sr. Mary Catherine on the Sisters of Mary website. “Before my junior year, my mother told me in no uncertain terms that I was going on a retreat with the Ann Arbor Sisters, whom we had heard about for many years. I dutifully went, expecting no more than to have a good retreat and return to normal life. Instead, it was like the world turned inside out! It became clear that this was where God had been leading me all my life. Suddenly, everything seemed to fall into place, revealing I was on a path I had been following without even knowing!”

Before she graduated from the College, Sr. Mary Catherine remarked that “the spiritual formation here is amazing, but the intellectual formation was also instrumental in getting me to realize my vocation,” allowing her to come to know and love God more deeply. “Mathematics, especially, brought me to more fully see the beauty of God,” she added, and it was the opportunity to keep learning that led her to the Sisters of Mary. “The Dominicans teach and they preach — that’s what they do,” she recently told the Bangor Daily News. “They study for their entire lives. … That’s something that was very attractive to me about them.”

Sr. Mary Catherine is one of five Thomas Aquinas College alumnae with the Ann Arbor Dominicans, where she prays alongside Sr. Mary Margaret (Eileen ’00) O’Brien O.P.Sr. Theresa Benedicta (Sarah ’02) Block, Sr. Juan Jose (Elisabeth ’09) Sedler, O.P., and Sr. Maria Jerome (Alma ’11) Poelman, O.P. As a postulant, she now wears the Sisters’ blue-and-white uniform, but she will not receive the full habit until she enters the novitiate next year.

Please pray for Sr. Mary Catherine, her vocation, and all alumnae sisters!