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Fr. Seo, to the left of Cardinal Tobin, with his fellow newly ordained priests
Fr. Seo, to the left of Cardinal Tobin, with his fellow newly ordained priests


On Saturday, His Eminence Joseph Cardinal Tobin, C.Ss.R., Archbishop of Newark, New Jersey, ordained the College’s newest alumnus priest, Rev. Patrick Seo (’06). The ordination took place at Newark’s Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart, with several alumni on hand to witness the blessed event.

“My dear brothers, you have not chosen Jesus; our Risen Lord has cFr. Seohosen you to go forth and bear fruit that will remain,” Cardinal Tobin told Fr. Seo and his fellow new priests. “I thank each of you for saying ‘yes’ to that call. I thank each of you also for all the times you will say ‘yes’ in the days to come. Most of these ‘yeses’ you will pronounce secretly, in ways only the Lord knows about. I thank you for saying ‘yes’ to giving your life in union with Jesus, the chief Shepherd, for in this offering is found the treasure of every priest, the pure source of our joy.”

The next morning Fr. Seo offered his first Mass at the Dominican Monastery of Our Lady of the Rosary in Summit, New Jersey. His classmate Steve Six (’06) graciously provided the photo to the left of Fr. Seo delivering his homily. Fr. Seo is the College’s 68th alumnus priest. Thanks be to God!