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Br. Augustine, O.S.B. (’13)
Br. Augustine, O.S.B. (’13)

The College has received the joyful news that on September 8 — the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary — Philip Wilmeth (’13) made his simple vows at the Monastero di San Benedetto. He is now Brother Augustine, O.S.B., and a novice at the Benedictine monastery in Norcia, Italy, birthplace of Sts. Benedict and Scholastica.

“I was so grateful to be there and share this beautiful celebration with the monks of Norcia,” writes Br. Augustine’s mother, Anne T. Wilmeth. “They are a wonderful community of brothers who exemplify God’s grace.”

Among those present for the profession Mass were four Thomas Aquinas College alumni: Br. Evagrius Hayden (’08), O.S.B., one of Br. Augustine’s fellow Benedictines; Deneys Williamson (’10) and David Allen (’10), seminarians who are studying in Rome for the Archdiocese of Johannesburg and the Norbertine Fathers in Silverado, California, respectively; and Br. Augustine’s brother, John Parker Wilmeth (’14), who is studying classical architecture in University of Notre Dame’s graduate program.

Br. Augustine, meanwhile, recently enjoyed a home visit, during which he took a break from his duties as the manager of the Benedictines’ brewery and gift shop. His voice can be heard on the community’s new musical album, Benedicta: Marian Chant from Norcia.


Deneys Williamson (’10), Br. Evagrius Hayden (’08), O.S.B., Br. Augustine Wilmeth, O.S.B. (’13), and David Allen (’10)
Deneys Williamson (’10), Br. Evagrius Hayden (’08), O.S.B., Br. Augustine Wilmeth, O.S.B. (’13), and David Allen (’10)