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Edward Seeley
Rev. Samuel Ward, Associate Director of Vocations for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, joins Edward Seeley (’16) and his father, tutor Dr. Andrew Seeley (’87), at Commencement 2016


On Saturday a member of the College’s most recent graduating class, Edward Seeley (’16), will enter St. John’s Seminary in Camarillo, California, to study for the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Los Angeles.

“I’ve been discerning a vocation since about age 9,” reflects Mr. Seeley, the third son of tutor and fellow alumnus Dr. Andrew Seeley (’87). “I’ve had a lot of priests who really inspired me, both in the parish and in my family. I’ve thought about it a lot, but at the College, I was able to discern better what sort of priest I wanted to be. I  considered the religious life, and then went to a few vocations talks. Then I talked a bit to (former chaplain) Fr. Illo, and he really inspired in me a love of the secular priesthood.”

Among the College’s 64 priestly alumni there are, as of yet, no Archdiocese of Los Angeles priests, but that is changing.  Mr. Seeley follows in the footsteps of Michael Masteller (’13), who entered St. John’s last year. By God’s grace, in six years, there will be two alumni priests in Los Angeles, with many more still to come.

“My time at the College, particularly reading St. Augustine, really enriched my spiritual life,” says Mr. Seeley. “Knowing that all of God’s graces are a free gift, and not something we merit, has changed the way I pray. And living in community together, seeing God’s face in the people around us, has been something I couldn’t get anywhere else.”

Please pray for Mr. Seeley and his vocation!