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Angela Baird

To commemorate this, the 20th year since the death of Thomas Aquinas College student Angela Baird (’00), the National Catholic Register has published an interview with Admissions Director Jon Daly — a classmate of Angela’s who was with her on the evening that she died in a tragic hiking accident.

Memorial cross
Memorial cross erected near the spot where Angela Baird (’00) died in 1997

“When it became clear to us that she might be dying, I asked her what she wanted to pray for,” Mr. Daly recalls. “She mentioned two things. The first, and these were her exact words, was ‘for the aborted babies.’ The other was for her father, who had recently been diagnosed with diabetes. She came from a family of 10 children that was very close. She was very close to her dad.”

While at the College, Angela was the founder and leader of a student pro-life group that regularly prayed outside a local abortion clinic. On the sixth anniversary of her death, when students visited the clinic for their regular prayer vigil, they were delighted to learn that that the clinic was shutting down. Providence, no doubt, was at work.

“I’ve often thought about how she spent her last hours on Earth,” says Mr. Daly. “It was striking. It was a sign of a deep grace and peace in her soul. She didn’t complain or cry out. She lived her life in those last hours for everyone but herself.”

Read the full interview via the National Catholic Register website.