All College

Maggie Tuttle


Alumna Maggie Tuttle (’10), who works as a lead for Talent Solutions Support Services at LinkedIn, returned to campus on Sunday to present a workshop about how students and graduates can use the professional-networking site in their career search. “You can leverage the LinkedIn network and the data we have there to better understand what career options are available to you,” Miss Tuttle told students. Her 30-minute talk focused on how to use the service to discern a career, land a job, or select a graduate school.

The world’s largest professional social network, LinkedIn boasts more than 400 million users. The connections it makes available, as well as the ways it allows students to present themselves, can be advantageous to the College’s students and graduates, Miss Tuttle said. “Coming from Thomas Aquinas College, we have such a unique education and background,” which oftentimes requires explanation for those who are unfamiliar with classical liberal education. For graduates, she added, “letting those unique strengths and qualities come out” in one’s user profile, “is really important.”

Upon graduating from the College in 2010, Miss Tuttle began as a recruiter for Force 10 Networks, before moving on to a similar position at Balance Pro Tech one year later. She has worked at LinkedIn since 2012, where she helps to lead global initiatives geared toward increasing efficiency, strengthening partnerships, and improving customer experience.