Game of Sections
After working in classroom sections to contemplate big questions about fate, justice, and piety, students on the California High School Summer Program found out how well their sections worked together outside the classroom! 
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New England
Swing Dancing, Studying, and Shakes, Oh My!
When their first day of Euclid and Boethius came to an end, students at the New England High School Summer Program rushed down the hill to Bl. Frassati Student Center. What had them so excited? Dance practice! 
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Ancient Greece in Santa Paula
The students on the California High School Summer Program woke up on Monday for a day filled with bright sunshine and ancient Greece! 
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New England
Euclid’s Lines & Lady Philosophy’s Consolation
When students at the New England High School Summer Program awoke this morning, many of them had a tan from yesterday’s kayaking excursion. Energized and excited for their second week of classes, they grabbed their copies of Euclid’s Elements to review as they ate breakfast. 
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Getting to Know You
Having safely arrived earlier in the day, students on the California High School Summer Program spent Sunday evening getting to know each other and the campus that will be their home for the next two weeks.
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New England
Resting by the River
On Saturday, students at the New England High School Summer Program took on the big city. On, Sunday, they took on the great outdoors! 
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West Coast Welcome
We now interrupt our New England High School Summer programming to bring you … the two-week California High School Program, which begins today!
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