Table of Contents (articles open in PDF)


Fritz B. Burns Foundation Awards $1.8 Million Grant for Construction of Albertus Magnus Science Hall
Second Largest Donation in College's History

Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger Appoints Dr. Michael Waldstein to Vatican Lectionary Working Group 
College Alumnus to Have Wide Impact 

College Celebrates Alumnae Religious
"...Ask the Master of the Harvest to Send Out Laborers Into His Harvest."

Alumni Profiles
Laura Berquist and Steve Schwalm

The College Board of Governors: Member Profile
Rosemary E. Donohue

Tenor Frank Patterson Serenades College Friends
Irish Eyes Were Smiling at Beverly Wilshire Gala Event

From the Desk of the President
Convocation Address

Reflections On Thomas Aquinas College 

Friday Night Lecture Series
The Catholic University and the Social Teaching of the Church