All College

Owen Sweeney (’97)

After only three years working at the Chamber of Commerce in Lander, Wyoming, Owen Sweeney (’97) has joined the Board of Directors for the State Chamber of Commerce, at the behest of professional peers across God’s country. “It was a humbling honor to be asked,” laughs Mr. Sweeney, “because I still consider myself to be very much a newbie at this!”

All College

“We have the highest homicide rate in 26 years right now, theft is out of control, and there’s a very slow police response time if you call 911,” says

Matthew Bryan (’15)
Matthew Bryan (’15)

Just five years after graduating from Thomas Aquinas College, and two after being elected to the City Council of Dunsmuir, California, Matthew Bryan (’15) has been elected the city’s may


“I have always been drawn to the Armed Forces,” says Rev. Andrew De Silva (’03). “And one reason I was drawn to my ministry to American soldiers is the great need for good Catholic chaplains among our men and women in uniform.”

Thomas Alexander ('99)

/* /*]]>*/ Thomas Aquinas College gives you the ability to quickly analyze, break down a particular issue into its parts, put it all back together in a way that makes sense, reach a conclusion, and then go forward.

Thomas A. Alexander (’99)
Thomas A. Alexander (’99)

Thomas A.

Patricia Kessler
Patricia Kessler ('87)

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Patricia Kessler (’87). A senior attorney at the U.S. Department of Justice, on assignment at the U.S. Embassy in Tanzania, she had taken a short vacation to do some scuba diving in the Red Sea.