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Mikaela (Heal ’21) Raum
Mikaela (Heal ’21) Raum 

It is possible that Mikaela (Heal ’21) Raum has the distinction of being the youngest TAC alumna to run a thriving business.

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Erik Bootsma's design  for St. Aubin Village in Detroit, Michigan.
One of Erik Bootsma’s architectural renderings for the St. Aubin Village project


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Anna (Dunlap) and Dominic O’Reilly (both ’12)
Anna (Dunlap) and Dominic O’Reilly (both ’12)

The Chamber of Commerce in Santa Paula, California, has named Anna’s Cider — a local cidery founded by alumni entrepreneurs Anna

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The Verso L’alto family: Hannah (Flanders) and Johnny Richard (both ’13), with their four children and sister Samantha Flanders (’15)
The Verso L’alto family: Hannah (Flanders) and Johnny Richard (both ’13), with their four children and sister Samantha Flanders (’15)

When her Senior T

New England
Tim Cosgrove (’95)
Tim Cosgrove (’95)


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Brian Schardt (’16)
Brian Schardt (’16)

Since graduating from Thomas Aquinas College just five years ago, Brian Schardt (’16) has had a whirlwind career in the high-tech sector, working for several major American corporations, including Walmart Labs, PwC, and Warner Music Group.

Distaff winemakers

Five women winemakers — three of them Thomas Aquinas College alumnae — have come  up with  a novel way to make the most of these difficult times.

Matthew Bryan (’15)
Matthew Bryan (’15)

Just five years after graduating from Thomas Aquinas College, and two after being elected to the City Council of Dunsmuir, California, Matthew Bryan (’15) has been elected the city’s may