All College
Life Legal
Life Legal attorneys, including Katie Short (’80, third from right), with the family of Stephanie Packer, whose insurance company said it would pay for “aid-in-dying” drugs, but not the chemotherapy she needed.

After two years of vigorous legal battle, an alumni-led legal team has succeeded in ov

All College
Molly O’Brien (’03, right) adventuring with a friend on a Colorado mountaintop
Molly O’Brien (’03, right) adventuring with a friend on a Colorado mountaintop

On Wednesday — the Feast of All Saints — Molly O’Brien (’03) will enter the Abbey of St. Walburga in Virginia Dale, Colorado.

Dr. Samuel Caughron
Dr. Samuel Caughron (’96)

“I am not a great decision-maker,” admits Dr. Samuel Caughron (’96). “My approach to big life decisions is to pray a lot, to get as much information as I can, to wait until the last minute — and then to make a decision and go with it.”


“Don't like abortion? Don’t have one.” So read the pro-abortion bumper sticker of bygone days. There’s now an addendum: “But pay for mine.”