All College

All College


“I’ve been a church choir director and singer for 40 years,” says Mark Donnelly (’89) in the above video, chronicling his musical career. “Through all those years conducting and performing, God was preparing me to become a composer.”

All College
Monica Marie (Estill ’98) Turner

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Monica Marie (Estill ’98) Turner, who died peacefully on May 25.


St. Kateri ChapelMore than a year after the groundbreaking ceremony, work continues apace on a forthcoming shrine to St.

Rev. Mark Bachmann, O.S.B. (’82) on "The Catholic Man" podcast
Rev. Mark Bachmann, O.S.B.

Zoe Appleby (’18)

/* /*]]>*/ I use my TAC training in textual analysis, in Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry, in Greco-Roman history, in modern philosophy (such as Kant and Hegel), in poetry and literary theory, in Aristotelian cosmology – I could go on and on.


Something New with Saint Therese: Her Eucharistic Miracle“We are living in a time when the new normal means hunkering down at home, watching too much news, and being deprived of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass,” writes alumna author

Sr. Maria Kiely
Sr. Maria Kiely, OSB ('77)

Sr. Maria Kiely, OSB (’77) lives in Washington, D.C., teaching Greek at the Dominican House of Studies and Latin at Catholic University. She is on the editorial committee for ICEL, the International Commission on English in the Liturgy.