Table of Contents (articles open in PDF)


Theologian-Cardinal Presides at Commencement
Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J., Awarded Saint Thomas Aquinas Medallion

"Habemus Papam!"
Students Rejoice at Election of Pope Benedict XVI

From the Desk of the President 
Farewell Address to the Graduates

"Rome Is the Center and Touchstone of Unity"
Commencement Address of His Eminence Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J.

College's 39th Alumnus Ordained to Priesthood
Rev. Brendan Kelly ('85): A Modern-Day Jonah

"You Are Works in Progress"
Baccalaureate Mass Homily of Rev. Msgr. George J. Parnassus

The Class of 2005 and Senior Theses

"Learning in Wartime"
Address by Senior Speaker, Gregory Pfundstein

Board of Regents to Host Golf Tournament
Event Scheduled for Prestigious Sherwood Country Club

An Interview with Avery Cardinal Dulles, S.J.