Table of Contents (articles open in PDF)


J. Francis Cardinal Stafford to Preside Over Commencement
President of the Vatican's Pontifical Council for the Laity

New Chairman of the College's Board of Governors
Maria O. Grant Accepts Gavel from William W. Smith

From the Desk of the President
Chapel Progress

Precious Chalice, Precious Award
Fides et Ratio Grant Treasured

To Take The Imagination...
"Blessed Are You in the Temple of Your Holy Glory"

William Weber Smith, M.D., Honored for Long, Productive Service
Five Buildings During His Tenure as Board Chairman

In Memoriam: Richard Lloyd Noble
Long-Time Member of Board of Governors

Alumni Profile
Christine Hidley (Class of '92): "Now My Job is to be Sick"

Bill Simon, Jr. Extols Role of Religion in Public Life
College-wide President's Day Address