
“The launch of a student-led business club at Thomas Aquinas College has already begun to pay off,” writes Megan Mineiro of the Pacific Coast Business Times, “with two members recently landing summer internships with the health insurance provider Anthem.”

The full article is available, behind a paywall, at the PCBT website. Below are some highlights:

“Students founded the club last fall to help peers learn how to apply their unconventional educational experience to a career in business. The college focuses on providing students with a Catholic liberal education, with an interdisciplinary course of study focused on the original writings of minds like Aristotle, Shakespeare and Einstein. …

“While the club’s first semester was disrupted in December by the Thomas fire outbreak just a half mile from campus, in recent months members have successfully regrouped. Club president Martin Haggard has spent his final semester at Thomas Aquinas laying the groundwork to ensure the club continues to grow. …

“Haggard said in the first year the club has also ‘made great headway’ in developing a mentorship program for students to connect with industry leaders. …”

See the full article.