
“Thomas Aquinas College in California will battle the HHS contraceptive mandate at the Supreme Court early next year.”

So begins anchor Wyatt Goolsby on Friday’s edition of EWTN Nightly News, in which the Catholic television network briefly examined the College’s lawsuit against the federal policy that seeks to compel religious employers to furnish contraceptive, abortifacient, and sterilization coverage to their employees. On November 6, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear the College’s case as part of its consideration of the HHS Mandate’s legality and constitutionality.

Featured on the broadcast was the voice of Thomas Aquinas College President Michael F. McLean, who stressed that opposing the Mandate is in keeping with the mission of the College. “This is one of the defining life issues of our time,” said Dr. McLean. “Since we are committed to introducing our students to the best of Catholic truth, and because we believe that truth really matters, we felt it was important for us to stand against the Mandate and do our best to prevail in the battle with the U.S. government.”