
On Wednesday afternoon Thomas Monaghan, the onetime owner of Domino’s Pizza and the founder of Ave Maria University, visited Thomas Aquinas College to make an extraordinary offer to members of the Senior Class: free tuition at the Ave Maria School of Law for all three years of their legal education.

The offer is part of Mr. Monaghan’s effort to make Ave Maria the preferred law school for the nation’s top Catholic lawyers. “We are planning on giving a full ride next fall to 50 students, primarily students from Newman Guide schools,” he said. “And I would love to have all 50 come from this school, because I think it’s the finest Catholic school in the country, and you guys have the perfect background for law school.” To take advantage of the offer, students would first need to gain admission to Ave Maria and meet all the necessary requirements.

At a lunchtime gathering in the College’s newest classroom building, St. Gladys Hall — complete with Domino’s Pizza — Mr. Monaghan discussed the details of his generous scholarship program with some 40 students. “I’m excited to be here,” he began. “Everywhere I go, when I’m asked about Catholic higher education, I always mention TAC because I think it’s the best Catholic college in the country. The quality of its spirituality and academics are second to none.”

He then quickly added, “Now the best Catholic university in the country is Ave Maria!”

Thanking Mr. Monaghan for his visit and for his offer, Thomas Aquinas College President Michael F. McLean returned the compliment. “Without a doubt, Ave Maria has the strongest Catholic legal curriculum in the country,” he told the students. “So I encourage you to attend to Mr. Monaghan’s words and, if you are interested in Ave Maria, to pursue an opportunity to study there.”