Table of Contents (articles open in PDF)


Students Called Together to Pursue Truth

High Marks For Thomas Aquinas College

From the Desk of the President
Convocation Day Remarks

The Gift of Wisdom: The Intellect as the "Disciple of Love"
Excerpts from the Homily Given by the Most Rev. Allen Vigneron, Bishop of Oakland

Financial Aid Program Helps Many
Mr. Greg Becher Is College's Director of Financial Aid

Great Books Summer Program for High-School Students
Program Draws More Participants Than Ever Before

New College Chaplain
Rev. Cornelius m. Buckley, S. J.

Analytic Skills At Work
Summer Internship in Medicine for Class of '06 Member

Profile: Member of the Board of Governors
Dr. Harry G. Browne

New Tutor Profile
Mr. Brian P. Dragoo ('01)

Alumni in the News
Grad Appointed to #2 Spot at Pontifical University

Alumni Profile
High-Tech Monk: Rev. Bernard McCoy, Cist. ('88)