The College is required by law to provide ongoing awareness and prevention programs regarding sexual assault and other related crimes. We are providing a four-part program that attempts to deal with these difficult issues under the guidance of the Catholic Church. In your freshman year, you read Imitate the Purity of Christ (PDF), which outlines God’s plan for human sexuality and touches on some evils opposed to the dignity of the human person, including sexual assault, sexual harassment, violence in dating, domestic violence, and stalking. If you would like to refresh your memory on the definitions of these offenses, please take the time to read over that document again.
This year we are asking returning students to watch the video below by the Most Rev. Robert Barron. In this video Bishop Barron explains the reason why the Church says “No” to expressions of human sexuality that do not conform to God’s plan for human sexuality and impede our ability to love one another with a perfect love.