Table of Contents (articles open in PDF)


From the Desk of the President
"Understanding First Principals"

Commencement 2024
Recent Events and Happenings

Cooperators of the Truth
College Inducts Heather and Milton “Bud” Daily, Jr., into Order of St. Albert

50th Annual Commencement
The California Class of 2024

Remembering Sam J. Morson ('24)

 • Baccalaureate Mass homily by the Most Rev. Sławomir Szkredka
 • Senior Class Address by Andrew Grumbine (’24)
 • Commencement Address by O. Carter Snead

Senior Reflections
By Austin Tewalt (’24) and Anna MacKinnon (’24)

Senior Portraits and Thesis Titles

3rd Annual Commencement
The New England Class of 2024

 • Baccalaureate Mass homily by His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke
 • Senior Class Address by Paul Habsburg (’24)
 • Commencement Address by Cardinal Burke

Senior Reflections
By Paul Habsburg (’24) and Anna Santschi (’24)

Stay Close to Christ and Grow Closer to Him
An Interview with His Eminence Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke

Lives Lived in Christ
What’s Next for the Class of 2024

In Memoriam
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord

Upcoming Events

Student Life