The College’s 61st alumnus priest!
Last week, Dr. Kuebler successfully defended his dissertation, “Created and Uncreated Duration: Time and Eternity in St. Thomas Aquinas” at Ave Maria University.
A new musical album, Benedicta: Marian Chant from Norcia, features the voices of three alumni monks.
A nun with the Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary in Wichita, Kansas, Sr. Mary Catherine is shown here teaching philosophy — “the perennial wisdom of Thomas,” she writes — to a group of novices.
The CBC’s Ottawa Morning recently aired a radio program about Elizabeth (Susanka) and Jeff Fennelly (both ’03) and their adopted son, Shawn.
The College website now features testimonials from two of the newest members of its alumni — Rocky Brittain and Morgan Furore and , both members of the Class of 2015.