The Life of a New Priest: Rev. Patrick Rooney, O.P. (’15)
Less than one year after his ordination, Rev. Patrick Rooney, O.P. (’15) now serves as the parochial vicar of St. Dominic’s Catholic Church in San Francisco — and enjoys his priesthood immensely.
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Video: Alumna Psychologist, Bishop Barron Discuss Mental Health Crisis
Alumna psychologist Dr. Helena Orellana (’11) joined several prominent Catholic thinkers, including the Most Rev. Robert E. Barron, at a United States Conference of Catholic Bishops Roundtable discussion of the mental health crisis among young people in the United States.
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Knights of Columbus Share Story of TAC Aluma Sister
On the back cover of the latest issue of Columbia magazine, the Knights of Columbus feature TAC alumna Sr. Mary Josefa of the Eucharist (Kathleen ’07) Holcomb in their monthly appeal for vocations.
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Dr. Arthur Hippler (’89): On Church Teaching & Classical Education
Writing at The Imaginative Conservative, Dr. Arthur Hippler (’89) asks a question both timely and timeless, namely: Does the Church Have a Teaching on “Classical Education”?
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Tutor Renders Charcoal Portrait of College’s Patron
Light and shadow blend together in this beautiful charcoal portrait of the College’s patron, St. Thomas Aquinas — the handiwork of TAC tutor and alumnus Dr. Christopher Decaen (’93).
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“The Man Behind the Ampersand”: Jamie Hanson (’02) Named Law Firm Partner
Jamie Hanson (’02) recently lent his name to his law firm, Lang Thal King & Hanson, the latest step in an unlikely journey that has wound its way through high school teaching and the halls of state — though it began at Thomas Aquinas College.
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Alumnae Host Retreat for TAC Women
Emily (Barry ’11) Sullivan, who serves as the Student Support Coordinator at Thomas Aquinas College, New England, traveled west last weekend to host a timely retreat for the women of TAC-California.
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