Letters from Kolkata by Jack Grimm (’15)
California Catholic Daily has recently published a series of letters that Jack Grimm (’15) wrote to his family during a six-week pilgrimage to the motherhouse of Bl. Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity in Kolkata, India.
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A Political Scientist’s Gift for Mother’s Day
“Most of us have a profound appreciation for our mothers that transcends description,” begins Dr. S. Adam Seagrave (’05) in a new essay, timed for Mother’s Day, in The Public Discourse.
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Rev. Gary B Selin (’89) Authors New Work on Priestly Celibacy
Rev. Gary B Selin, STD (’89) has authored a new scholarly work, Priestly Celibacy: Theological Foundations, which proposes a systematic theology of priestly celibacy, ordered around the Eucharist.
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Upcoming Ordination!
Deneys Williamson (’10), a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Johannesburg, South Africa, will be ordained to the transitional diaconate on May 1, at the Basilica of Saint Apollinaire in Rome.
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LinkedIn’s Maggie Tuttle (’10) Offers Networking Tips to College’s Students
Alumna Maggie Tuttle (’10), who works as a lead for Talent Solutions Support Services at LinkedIn, returned to campus on Sunday to present a workshop about how students and graduates can use the professional-networking site.
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“Historic Day” for Alumni-Led School
The Most Rev. Joseph V. Brennan, Auxiliary Bishop of Los Angeles, recently blessed the campus of the alumni-led St. Monica Academy in Montrose, California.
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Prayers for Michelle (Firmin ’97) Halpin
Please pray for Michelle (Firmin ’97) Halpin, who has Stage 4 cancer.
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